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Welcome to Worthington Primary School. 

Everyone at our school makes a world of difference. We set high expectations for achievement in all curriculum subjects, engage high quality staff and embrace our wonderful local community. As Governors we make long term strategic decisions to ensure the best possible education for our children so that they can make a world of difference inside and outside of the school.

The Board of Governors consists of parents, staff and those with additional expertise to ensure a diverse outlook on all aspects of the Worthington experience. 

Governors have responsibility for the effective management of the school, working within the frameworks set out by Trafford Local Authority and national legislation.   

Governors have a key role to play in helping our school to provide the best possible education for all our children; an education that makes a world of difference. With their help, we can all raise standards, our universal offer of provision, enrichment opportunities and ensure that every child in our school achieves their full potential. 

The governing body consists of the Headteacher, a member of the school staff, LA representatives, members co-opted from the local community and parent governors. Each governor serves a four-year term. Our clerking service is provided by TrustGS.

We are currently reviewing our constitution of the board and the vacancies that will arise.

On this page, you will find information about the governance at Worthington Primary School. 

Meet our Board of Governors

2024 – 2025

Clare Smith

Governor since 2014

Co-Chair of Governor Co-opted Governor

Curriculum Committee    Personnel Committee    Pay Review Committee   Headteacher Appraisal 

Link Governor for PSHCE, RSE, School Council and wellbeing

“I have been a governor for 10 years, starting as a parent governor and then becoming a co-opted governor. I am Chair of the curriculum committee and a member of the personnel committee. My link governor areas are PSHE and wellbeing.”

Ian Robbins

Governor since 2008

Co-Chair of Governor   Co-opted Governor   Curriculum Committee  Personnel Committee Headteacher Appraisal

Link Governor for: Inclusion and attendance

"I have proudly served as Chair of Governors since 2013, overseeing many significant milestones in the school's journey. These include the move into a brand-new school building and its new development to accommodate two-form entry, enhancing opportunities for the entire school community.

I am now delighted to co-chair alongside Claire, continuing to support the school in achieving its vision and providing the best possible environment for our students and staff."

Andrew Curvis

Governor since 2017

Vice Chair of Governors     Co-opted Governor   Curriculum Committee   Buildings and Finance Committee    

Link Governor for Health and Safety, GDPR

“I’m Andrew, Vice Chair of Governors and Chair of the Finance and Buildings Committee – I was originally elected as a Parent Governor 8 years ago and am currently a Co-opted Governor.  I have two boys in Year 6 and Year 3.

Outside of Worthington, I work across two Primary Schools in Manchester, managing their budgets, site/building and pretty much anything that crops up outside of teaching!  My schools have always struggled to find Governors with a finance background so I always said I’d put my name forward when my son started at Worthington – he came home from his first day at Nursery details of a vacancy…

My role on the Governing Board has been primarily in supporting with school finances and related policies, however each Governor is also linked to a particular curriculum area – working with the specific staff member leading that particular topic.  I have recently been linked to a new area, Religious Education, so over the next few months I will be learning how this foundation subject will be delivered and how progress will be monitored. I will also be supporting the school with Health and Safety if and when required.

Outside of school/work I run for Sale Harriers so if you need me I am most likely to be found pounding the streets of Sale.”

Laurie Sanders

Governor since 2018

Co-opted Governor   Curriculum Committee  Buildings and Finance Committee   

Link Governor for English, Early Years, SEND and PE

"My initial reason for becoming a governor was personal, as a parent of a child at Worthington. However, it quickly became clear that my motivation extended beyond my own family. I was deeply influenced by my own educational experience, having grown up in a rural primary school where physical and financial resources were limited, but the natural environment offered boundless opportunities for learning. This early encouragement to explore, create, and embed learning into everyday activities has profoundly shaped who I am today.

Becoming a governor allows me to give back to the community that I am a part of, and to support Worthington in serving the diverse needs of our students and families. As the link governor for Literacy and PE, I am committed to advocating for a collaborative environment that nurtures children to become brave, resilient, and motivated individuals, equipped with a strong educational foundation and the life skills necessary to thrive in our rapidly changing world."

Pam Boyes

Governor since 2013

Co-opted Governor   Buildings and Finance Committee   Curriculum Committee

Link Governor for Maths

“I was born in Sale and have lived here for all but 3 years of my life. As a child I lived just off School Road, so I attended Springfield Primary School and then Sale Girls’ Grammar School.

After attending university in Manchester, I taught mathematics in schools in Bolton, Whalley Range and Lymm before becoming a teacher and subsequently a Deputy Head at Sale Grammar School.

A couple of years after retirement I was asked if I would become a governor at Worthington Primary. I was delighted to accept and have enjoyed working with the staff and governors in the best interests of the pupils for the last eleven years."

Chris Hargreaves

Governor since January 2023

Parent Governor   Buildings and Finance Committee  Curriculum Committee  

Link Governor for Safeguarding

“Hello, my name is Chris Hargreaves, and I have had the honour to serve as a Parent Governor since January 2023.

I have a son and a daughter at Worthington. You may have seen me around school at pick up time, feel free to say “Hi” and let me know if you have any thoughts or questions about the governance of the school. If you live local you may see out jogging at lunch time as I also live and work locally.

As part of the governor role, I’m on the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee works collaboratively with the school leadership to create and monitor a budget that aligns with the school’s strategic priorities. I’ve worked in data analysis most of my career, so I feel it lends well to supporting this area and I find it insightful and rewarding.

I am committed to supporting our students, staff, and the school in general. I believe in fostering a positive and inclusive school environment where every child feels safe and happy, so they can thrive. See you around the school.”

Sarah Jones

Governor at Worthington since September 2023  

Headteacher   Personnel Committee    Buildings and Finance Committee    Curriculum Committee

“I have over 28 years’ experience in education, working across five schools and three Local Authorities. I have worked as a part of Governing Boards since 2007 and joined Worthington in September 2023.

It is a privilege to work in collaboration with our Board of Governors, as we grow and develop our school together. Children are at the heart of all our decision-making and as a Board of Governor, we always strive to Reach for The Highest.”

Penny Ainge


Governor since 2023

Parent Governor   Curriculum Committee     Personnel Committee

Link Governor for Humanities

Catherine Best

Governor since 2023      

Staff Governor       Curriculum Committee      Personnel Committee

“Hello, my name is Catherine Best and I have been teaching for over thirty years, joining Worthington in 1999. As a long-serving member of staff, I bring a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of our school community. I look forward to working with the governing body to support both staff and the children at Worthington. I feel being a governor will help me to continue to contribute to the growth and success of Worthington.”

Barry Brotherton


Governor at Worthington for over 50 years  

Local Authority Governor       Curriculum Committee     Buildings and Finance Committee

Link Governor for Computing and Science

“I am a local councillor in Sale and have been a Local Authority appointed Governor of the school for some 50 years. It is amazing that Mrs Jones is only the third headteacher that the school has had during all that time.

I am a member of the Buildings and Finance Committee and the Pay Review Committee.

For many years I worked as a professional electrical engineer and hope to use some of that experience and knowledge as Science Governor”.

Helen Chatterton

Governor since 2004

Co-opted Governor     Buildings and Finance Committee

“Hello, my name is Helen Chatterton, and I am a staff governor at Worthington.

I started teaching in 1992 and have been a member of the governing board of every school that I have worked in. I think I became a governor for the first time in 1994 - which is so long ago.

I began working at Worthington in 2004 and have always been on the governing board here. Over the last twenty years I have been a member of the following committees: curriculum, personnel and finance.Since 2023 I am part of the governors who have an overview of both finance and buildings.”

Jane Heath

Governor since 2023

Associate Governor    Curriculum Committee

Link Governor for Art and DT

“Hi, I'm Jane Heath.  I have worked here at Worthington as a Teaching Assistant for 15 years.  I began my journey here in Nursery, and have since worked in both Key Stage One, and Reception.  I have worked as a whole class Teaching Assistant as well as supporting individual children on a 1:1 basis.  I enjoy art and creativity and love to help children feel valued and achieve their potential.  I enjoy being on the governing body and being able participate in discussions, decision making and planning for the future of our school”.